Category: Student Reflections

December 18, 2020 Rose Molina No comments exist

  Rose Molina Gonzalez HONS 2011J- Spanish Civil War in Literature and Film Final Essay Professor Hernandez-Ojeda Milton Morris White   Personal Statement   Coming into my Spanish Civil War course at Hunter College, I did not have any expectations for the class or prior knowledge of this historical event. In fact, my grandmother was…

December 18, 2020 Ayisha Siddiqa No comments exist

Ayisha Siddiqa HONS 2011J Final Essay Professor Hernández-Ojeda Volunteer Bill Susman                            The international ideal unites the human race: essay on Bill Susman   Personal Statement             I expected this class to be a series of facts about war, and for us to discuss the events that unfolded prior to WWII in a statistical manner…

December 18, 2020 Luisais Taveras No comments exist

Luisais Taveras HONS 2011J – Spanish Civil War in Literature and Film Final Essay Professor Hernández-Ojeda  Raphaele “Ralph” Fasanella Personal Statement (250) My knowledge or awareness of the Spanish Civil War was significantly limited to non-existent prior to taking this course. Overall, war and its historical figures are often displayed in a one-dimensional manner for…

December 18, 2020 Eleni Mattas No comments exist

Eleni Mattas Professor Hernandez-Ojeda HONS 2011J 18 December 2020 The Story of Fredericka “Freddie” Imogene Martin Personal Statement: When I first began this semester I assumed this course would be just another history class. I did not expect to gain such a wide perspective of the various events that led up to World War 2….

December 18, 2020 Laila Abouhasswa No comments exist

Laila Abouhasswa HONS 2011J, Section 01 Professor Hernandez-Ojeda 18 December 2020 Personal Statement Prior to taking this class, I had no background knowledge on the Spanish Civil War. I was aware of  fascism in Italy and Germany but I never knew that it had occurred in Spain as well. Although I was not aware of…

December 17, 2020 Shane Harilall No comments exist

Shane Harilall Professor Maria Hernandez-Ojeda HONS 2011J – Spanish Civil War in Literature and Film 18 December 2020 Personal Statement I initially elected to partake in this class due to a total lack of knowledge concerning the Spanish Civil War. As far as I was concerned, the Spanish Civil War was another pointless conflict with…

December 11, 2020 Sylvia Welch No comments exist

Sylvia Welch THHP 2011J Hunter College-CUNY Prof. Hernandez-Ojeda Virginia Malbin Personal Statement In the fall semester of 2020, I enrolled in a course on the Spanish Civil War. Prior to this class, I didn’t know anything about this period of history. Throughout the semester, our class engaged with riveting and emotional works of art, literature,…