Category: Uncategorized

December 18, 2020 Ariana Guzman No comments exist

Ariana Guzman HONS 2011J Final Essay Professor Hernández-Ojeda   The Participation of American Women in the Spanish Civil War: The Story of Helen Freeman Personal Statement Prior to the course, I was not aware about the civil war in Spain or the involvement of international volunteers that would travel to Spain for its anti-fascist and…

December 18, 2020 Ayisha Siddiqa No comments exist

Ayisha Siddiqa HONS 2011J Final Essay Professor Hernández-Ojeda Volunteer Bill Susman                            The international ideal unites the human race: essay on Bill Susman   Personal Statement             I expected this class to be a series of facts about war, and for us to discuss the events that unfolded prior to WWII in a statistical manner…

December 18, 2020 Maggie Kearney No comments exist

Maggie Kearney HONS 2011J Final Essay Prof. Maria-Hernandez Ojeda Ruth Davidow Personal Statement Ruth Davidow first caught my attention with her interview for the 1984 film The Good Fight my classmates and I streamed at the beginning of the semester. The documentary was one of my first real exposures to the Spanish fight against fascism,…

December 18, 2020 Elisheva Adler No comments exist

Elisheva Adler Professor Maria Hernandez-Ojeda HONS 2011J – Spanish Civil War in Literature and Film 17 December 2020 Leonard Bertram Levenson: “Lenny” Personal Statement This semester, I have had the privilege of taking a course about the Spanish Civil War, taught by Professor Hernández-Ojeda. Prior to taking this course, I had no knowledge about the…

December 10, 2020 Vasilis Kontodimas No comments exist

Vasilis Kontodimas Professor Hernandez-Ojeda HONS 2011J, Section 01 8 Dec. 2020   Nicholas Ioannou Demas’ fight “to stop the barbarians” Personal Statement: Before I selected Nicholas Ioannou Demas as the one Abraham Lincoln Brigade volunteer to research, I knew how treacherous the life for the Greek population had been in the early twentieth century.  My…

June 15, 2020 SaraViila No comments exist

Somaly Tum Spain Today: Film and Fiction Professor Villa, The New School May Levine Hartzman Personal Statement Before this semester, I didn’t know much at all, if anything, about the Spanish Civil War. It was never taught in my previous schools, and it wasn’t until I began my research and watched the 1984 documentary, The…

June 15, 2020 SaraViila No comments exist

Lila Norris Spain Today: Film and Fiction Professor Villa, The New School Charles and Antoinette O’Flaherty Personal Statement I originally chose these papers because of my interest in female involvement in labor movements. Antoinette was an accomplished activist and organizer and her story fascinated me. However, after spending more time with the papers, I gained…

July 1, 2018 Sara Villa No comments exist

Andie Fortier Cinematic Spain (Fall 2017) Final Essay Professor Sara Villa – The New School David Miller Personal Statement I began my research reading a collection of letters that David Miller himself had written. I began to familiarize myself with his language and his extremely detail oriented, observant writing. Reading these letters allowed me to…

July 1, 2018 Sara Villa No comments exist

Jane Balfus Cinematic Spain – Fall 2017 Final Essay Prof. Sara Villa – The New School   Alvah Cecil Bessie Alvah Cecil Bessie was born in a wealthy sector of Harlem in 1904 to a Jewish family. His father was an inventor, and also worked in business, which allowed for their affluent lifestyle. Bessie attended…

May 21, 2018 Ross Wheeler No comments exist

Ross Wheeler Español 37026 Hunter College-CUNY Profesora Hernández-Ojeda James Bernard Rucker Dos grandes obreros heroicos se enfrentan a las puertas del archivo Tamiment, de NYU; pintado de pie, están como acomodadores hacia los documentos, fotos, pósteres, y artefactos que documentan las causas y condiciones laborales en los Estados Unidos hace dos siglos. Los documentos de…