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May 24, 2017 Laura Montoya 4 comments

Laura Montoya Hons 2011J Hunter College-CUNY Professor María Hernández-Ojeda                                                                                             …

May 23, 2017 Alyssa Fernandes No comments exist

Alyssa Fernandes HONS 2011J Hunter College-CUNY Professor Hernández-Ojeda Charles A. Barr Personal Statement             Before this year I had never heard of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and was surprised to discover that these incredible stories, not yet 100 years old, were not shared more frequently. When tasked with researching the life of one Abraham Lincoln…

May 23, 2017 Sarah Elnewishy No comments exist

Sarah Elnewishy HONS 2011J Hunter College-CUNY Professor Hernández-Ojeda Sidney Vogel Personal Statement             In my search for a volunteer to focus my research on, I came across hundreds of individuals with varying occupations and participation in the Spanish Civil War. What drew me to Dr. Sidney Vogel was his passion and dedication to caring for…

May 23, 2017 Kelly Schmaeling No comments exist

Kelly Schmaeling HONS 2011J Professor Hernández-Ojeda Hunter College-CUNY Introduction            I came across Emma Goldman’s name while looking for women writers in the Spanish Civil War. While I found many famous male fiction and nonfiction writers (Hemingway, Hughes and Orwell, etc.) that reported on and wrote about the war, there were…

May 23, 2017 Sylvia Scahill No comments exist

Sylvia Scahill Hons 2011J Hunter College-CUNY Professor María Hernández-Ojeda John Gates: An American Communist There are many ways to study and narrate history. Some people see the world as a succession of wars or great leaders, some see it through cultural and social evolution, some say narrative histories are dangerous and only historical materialism is…

May 23, 2017 Hannah Ellerbeck No comments exist

Hannah Ellerbeck HONS 2011J Final Essay Professor Hernàndez-Ojeda Benjamin Iceland Personal Statement             As a vibrant, passionate, young college graduate, Benjamin Iceland’s involvement in the Spanish Civil War interested me greatly due to our similar age and upbringing. Though he was born 86 years before I was, his life as…

May 23, 2017 Raymi Echavarria No comments exist

Raymi Echavarría Final Essay HONS 2011J Professor Hernández-Ojeda Personal Statement           Some notable literature and film of American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War depict issues of race and gender as non-existent in Spain and show the war as being one that indefinitely united those on the left. Because the Republican side…

May 22, 2017 Haley Trunkett 3 comments

  Haley Trunkett HONS 2011 Hunter College-CUNY Professor María Hernández-Ojeda May Levine Hartzman Personal Statement I came across May Levine-Hartzman while searching online at the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives. Before this course, I knew nothing about the Spanish Civil War nor anyone that volunteered. I even visited Madrid for a summer and still did not…

May 21, 2017 Olivia Pawlowski No comments exist

Olivia Pawlowski HONS 2011J Hunter College-CUNY Professor María Hernández-Ojeda The Narrative of Jack Bjoze by Olivia Pawlowski Personal Statement While Jack Bjoze’s service as a soldier in the Spanish Civil War amounted to ten months and eleven days, his commitment to the war effort, its cause, and its veterans lasted a lifetime. Throughout his life,…

May 19, 2017 Leon Ramotar No comments exist

  Leon Ramotar HONS 2011J Hunter College-CUNY Professor: María Hernández-Ojeda Helene Weissman Personal Statement Helene Weissman led a fascinating life. She was neither a soldier nor a doctor, yet she helped the people of Spain as a liaison, teacher, and administrator. She collected numerous supplies to fuel the supporters of the Spanish Republic. As a…